So this post is only tangential to Philosophy, it's mostly about the classes I've been taking the last two semesters. The previous class I took concerned subjectivity and objectivity, and was a crash course in various schools of philosophical thought. The current one is on ethics. Ever since I found, I've been fairly interested in philosophy. Despite having read hours upon hours about different philosophical schools, I'd never really settled on one. There's something about being in a physical classroom, being held up to close scrutiny and held accountable for ones answers that really gives you a need to pin it down. The other thing I hadn't realized before, is how much theology requires a good background in philosophy. I grew up in a Christian home, and learned all the facts, but not the theory. I learned the whats, but not the hows and whys. Learning what I've learned has encouraged me to seek God in whole new ways.
There's something about being in a classroom, and opening up a dialogue. The instructor not caring so much what you think, but that you have good reasons for why you think them. Both instructors I've had are almost polar opposites in their viewpoints as compared to me, but were completely ok with what I believe because I could justify it according to my belief system.
to be continued/updated... duty calls
subjectivity and objectivity
i'm still workin' on the who/whom thingy